Meet Titan ! He is a beautiful 1 1/2 yrs old from down south. He is house/crate trained and knows basic commands. Currently in a foster home for the last 6 months. Titan is very playful and active. He is a big goof ball of energy. He plays fetch and he uses his feet a lot like a boxer when he plays. He is also very vocal.... he has been a great door bell to his foster mom.
More about Titan
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults
What do adoption fees cover?
Any boarding fees associated with state mandates, ensuring animals have proper, outside of shelter quarantine periods.
Any transportation costs associated with getting this animal to us, the veterinarian, etc.
General veterinary care, such as, checkups, age appropriate vaccines, etc.
Deworming and preventive medicines (Heartworm preventive, flea/tick preventive, etc.).
Spay/Neuter costs (All animals MUST be spayed/neutered).
Major Medical Treatment, if applicable (Surgery, Heartworm Treatment, etc.).
Micro-chips, for dogs only.
Training costs, if applicable.
Videos of Titan:
Other Pictures of Titan (click to see larger version):